Microservices with Dapr!

Microservice architecture is one of those buzz phrases in today’s tech industry that stirs different opinions.
Microservices allows your entire application to be decentralized and decoupled into smaller more manageable services. This process provides a high level of resiliency and durability because each service is independent of one another. This also allows for each service to be deployed separately and can even be be developed in different languages.
There are a few difficulties within the microservice paradigm, the first is the interaction between each each service.
Example: Service A makes https calls to Service B
Service A needs to be aware of Service B and know where the service resides within the system.
The second problem is developers having to worry about these interactions and also the underlying infrastructure they are interacting with (i.e., cluster and databases (state)).
To solve the above-mentioned issues…this is where Dapr helps.
What is Dapr and how does it help?
Dapr which stands for Distributed Application Runtime is a framework that allows developers to build reliable event driven microservice applications without the need to worry about interacting with infrastructure and keeps their code platform agnostic.
Dapr prides itself on being “any language, any framework, run anywhere” meaning developers can code in any language of their choice, use any framework of their choice and deploy to anywhere.
Above Image Referenced from https://dapr.io
Application developers should be able to focus on developing business logic and not care about the underlying infrastructure that their application is running on. Dapr provides an agnostic platform with building blocks that offer best practices for developing microservices.
These building blocks provide mechanisms for swapping implementations in/out when deployment or architecture changes require it. Some changes may require swapping out the backend state stores or messaging platform, Dapr provides a consistent mechanism for integrating with these various plugins via the Dapr runtime which is deployed using the sidecar pattern.
What is the Dapr Sidecar?
The Dapr sidecar is a separate service that is deployed side-by-side with your application using the sidecar pattern and it exposes all of the Dapr runtime APIs. Which your application code then uses to make calls via http or grpc protocols.
Dapr Hosting Options
With the first GA release of Dapr there are two hosting options available which are:
- Self-Hosted
- Kubernetes Hosted
Above Image Referenced from https://dapr.io
Within the self-hosted model, the core Dapr services are run in a separate process on your local machine or VM.
Running the command dapr init
will configure the default setup in Docker.
This default setup contains the following docker containers:
- Dapr Placement Service
- This service is responsible for a distributed hashing mechanism that distributes actors across service instances
- Dapr Redis
- Redis is the default state store and pub/sub service
- Dapr Zipkin
- Zipkin is the default monitoring and logging tool
Kubernetes Hosted
Above Image Referenced from https://dapr.io
Within the kubernetes hosted model the core Dapr APIs are deploy in a separate container running in the same pod as your application code.
To setup Dapr on a kubernetes cluster run the following command:
dapr init -k
The command will use the cluster specified in your current kubectl
You can also provision Dapr into a specific kubernetes namespace by calling : dapr init -k -n {namespace}
Dapr can also be deployed into a cluster using HELM.
- Make sure HELM 3 is installed on your machine.
- Add the Dapr Helm repo
helm repo add dapr https://dapr.github.io/helm-charts/
helm repo update
# See which chart versions are available
helm search repo dapr --devel --versions
- Install Dapr
helm upgrade --install dapr dapr/dapr \
--version=1.0.1 \
--namespace dapr-system \
--create-namespace \
Dapr State Management
Above Image Referenced from https://dapr.io
When building stateful microservices you need to have the ability to store your application state in order to recover from failures, outages, and for overall useability beyond a single session.
One of the foundational building blocks of Dapr is State Management, which abstracts away the underlying state store from the application developer. It provides a key/value-based state API that allows for state store implementation to be swapped in and out.
These configurable state stores are added and updated via configuration files like the following examples:
Ex: Redis
apiVersion: dapr.io/v1alpha1
kind: Component
name: statestore
type: state.redis
- name: redisHost
value: redis:6379
- name: redisPassword
value: ""
- name: actorStateStore
value: "true"
Ex: Cosmos DB
apiVersion: dapr.io/v1alpha1
kind: Component
name: app-statestore
type: state.azure.cosmosdb
version: v1
- name: url
value: https://dapr-poc.documents.azure.com:443/
- name: masterKey
value: _COSMOS_KEY_
- name: database
value: dapr-poc
- name: collection
value: dapr-state
On the Self-Hosted model, you can override the state store by specifying the location of the configuration files within the -components-path
flag when running dapr run
dapr run --app-id my-app --components-path ./components
State can be managed via Dapr sdks, or directly over http, like in the following GET request sample code below:
import requests
import json
store_name = "redis-store" # name of the state store as specified in state store component yaml file
dapr_state_url = "http://localhost:3500/v1.0/state/{}".format(store_name)
response = requests.get(dapr_state_url + "/key1", headers={"consistency":"strong"})
Actor Framework
Above Image Referenced from https://dapr.io
Dapr’s actor framework is based off similar patterns made popular in Microsoft offerings like Service Fabric Reliable Actors and Orleans Virtual Actors.
The actor pattern allows developers a way to encapsulate logic and data into a single self-contained unit (known as an actor) which can receive and process messages one at a time without a need for threading or concurrency. A system can have hundreds of actors running simultaneously and independently of each other.
As shown in the above diagram, the App makes a request via the Dapr runtime to the following url http://localhost:3500/v1.0/actors/MyActors/A/method/update. The Dapr runtime will look up the location of the requested actor by making a request to the Dapr Placement Service which returns the address Using the location returned from the Dapr Placement Service the Dapr runtime forwards the request on to complete the action.
The actor pattern is useful for scenarios like game engines which spawn different characters that have a limited lifespan; another good use case for the actor framework is what is illustrated in the diagram above. This use case is IoT devices where each actor would represent an IoT device/sensor.
Actors often need to persist their state in order to re-hydrate when it goes offline and changes its location. This is accomplished by enabling the following setting in the metadata
of state store component:
name: actorStateStore
value: "true"
Pub/Sub Pattern
Another essential pattern that Dapr provides for building microservices is the Pub/Sub building block. The Publisher/Subscriber pattern allows the services to communicate via a messaging plane like Azure Service Bus or Kafka.
Above Image Referenced from https://dapr.io
Observability is a general term that hits both service monitoring and logging areas and Dapr offers built-in integrations for tracing, metrics, and logging.
By default, in self-hosted mode Dapr leverages zipkin for tracing, logging, and metrics but can easily be swapped out for other observability tools such as Azure Log Analytics, Prometheus, and ELK to name a few. This is done via the component’s configuration:
apiVersion: dapr.io/v1alpha1
name: daprConfigs
namespace: default
tracing: samplingRate: "1"
endpointAddress: "http://zipkin:9411/api/v2/spans"
These configurations can be overwritten when running the dapr run
command locally in self-hosted mode or deployed to a kubernetes cluster through kubectl
command deployments.
My Thoughts/Next Steps
The above listed components are just a few of the essential components that Dapr provides, but there are several others like Secrets Management and Service Invocation which you can find more info on at dapr.io.
Overall, this platform seems promising. I will be doing a follow-up post which will put Dapr into action by building out a full microservice application in a similar vein as the eShop Demo.
Stay tuned!